
One of the most important vital maintenance, repair and management services within the scope of performing legal actions in the management of apartments and estates and ensuring human health and life safety is the supply of maintenance, repair and inspection services of electrical installation systems (all infrastructure and superstructure).

The Following Issues are of Vital Importance in Apartments and Sites

  • One of the most important security measures to be taken for apartments and sites is to control the residual current relay. Residual current relays connected to the main and intermediate power lines will provide protection in cases such as electric shocks and fire.
  • In order to protect the building occupants and especially children from electrical hazards and to prevent potential hazards, electrical panels and fuses must be in closed and separate compartments. Electric cables should never be exposed in the common areas of apartments and sites. Electrical cables must be passed through cable channels.
  • Another important issue in order to prevent electrical problems in apartments and sites is the grounding installation of the buildings. Every building must have a grounding line connected to the main line. The grounding line should be buried in the ground with copper rods. The excess current generated by the grounding line is transmitted to the ground and life safety is ensured.
  • The electrical connections of the devices in the closed parking lots and common areas in the apartments and sites should not be open and in the middle. A safe structure should be created around the devices and cables and the cables must be hidden. The electrical installation of the building and whether there is electric current on the devices should be constantly checked.
  • Lightning rod is essential for the protection of electrical appliances used by the residents of the apartments and complexes against lightning. Lightning rod is a very important tool in all high-rise buildings. In order to determine the need for lightning rods in buildings, an electrical engineer must be brought and the calculations must be made by the relevant engineer. Buildings around which there is a lightning rod that will enter the area of ​​influence can be protected from lightning.
  • Every type of apartment and site, which is at the highest position in its region, is an open target against lightning. For this reason, Lightning Rod is one of the sine qua non of high-rise buildings.
  • Another important issue to be taken into consideration is the pools in apartments and sites. For any reason, the residents and the staff working in the building can be electrocuted. Electrical components close to the pool part should be removed or properly maintained. It should be constantly checked whether the electrical components in the pool are in working condition and
  • whether they damage the pool. The strength of the electricity poles in the garden and their surroundings should be constantly checked. Considering that the pools are a social facility area used collectively by the floor residents, the precautions not taken in and around this location will collectively have fatal consequences.